Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? If not, you aren’t alone. It seems they are starting to go out of fashion, to be replaced with the new trend for a word of the year.

Rather than coming up with a list of things in your life that you think are wrong and need to be dealt with, people are now choosing to focus on one simple word and change their lives accordingly. It is a much simpler way of doing things and is much gentler on you. Rather than being ruled by a list of goals that you struggle to keep track of, you can simply remember your word of the year every time you are faced with a decision to help you make the right choice.

Check out some of these ideas…

Choose CALM if you found the last year stressful. Think of this word when you are asked out to yet another event or asked to take on additional duties at work. Maybe add meditation to your daily practice in a bid to slow your days down so you can do more of what you love.

Choose BALANCE if there has been a lot of upheaval in your life over the last year. Perhaps you recently moved, or changed jobs, or became a parent and you still need to learn how to juggle everything.

Choose CONQUER if this is the year that you want to really achieve something big – whether it’s travelling, setting up your own business or looking for a promotion at work, you can think of this word and make your decisions accordingly.

Words of the year are a touchstone for you to hang onto when things get tough. They remind you of why you are striving for your goal and more likely to motivate you than arbitrary goals like ‘lose a stone in weight’. Make sure to choose only positive words so they feel good to hang on to, rather than something that depresses you.

Our word of the year is HEALTH as we believe that health is the foundation for everything. If you have your health, then you can enjoy your life, happy and pain free. If you feel, fit, healthy and generally good in yourself, everything else in life feels that bit more achievable. We are here to help you focus on your health.

If this is the year you’d like to focus on your health or fitness or get on top of a niggling issue, give us a call on 020 8332 614 or email us at info@theforgeclinic omeprazole 20 mg.com to find out how we can help you. Alternatively, you can always book online.