January is a great time for fresh starts – we all feel ready to tackle healthier living after a couple of weeks of feasting, we have the incentive of a New Year and it’s still cold enough not to be distracted by lovely weather!

Why not start by looking at your exercise routine? Could it do with some freshening up for the New Year? Try our top tips to breathe new life into your old routine.

January is a great time to invest in new footwear because of all the sales. However, be sure to make the right choice based on your budget, type of exercise and any special features you may need. If you’re completely unsure, it may be helpful to come to us for a gait analysisAlan or David can assess if you need orthotics and advise you on the best type of trainers to get and how often to change them. It’s vital, especially if you’re doing a lot of exercise like marathon training, that you keep your footwear up to date to avoid injury.

It’s always good to look at what is and isn’t working in your exercise routine. What classes or running routes do you really look forward to and rarely miss? What ones do you find any excuse to skip? Take some time to re-evaluate what you’re actually enjoying doing and reschedule your routine accordingly. You will get the best results from things you love because you are less likely to skip them!

Finding that your progress is starting to plateau a little bit? Now is the time to step up your routine. If you’re a runner, start varying your routes to include more hills, for example. or tackle some races and focus on your time. If you’re a gym class junkie, try throwing in another, brand new class to get you working up a sweat again. If you enjoy playing sport with friends, maybe now is the time to join a team?

How do you keep yourself interested in your exercise routine? We’d love to hear!